Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is why I don't give a fuck about America

This is part of an American political campaign ad.

To all the Black children out there it never mattered. It doesn't matter how hard you work to buy in to the American system. This is how they see us. We are the only people on the face of the Earth that it is o.k. to do this. Oh they'll try to tell you that if you change your diction and adopt our value system you can do anything. But the reality is this is how they see us. So why bother trying?


  1. Dude if their one think I know is that in order to get far in life you more or less have to play the their F up game until you have the knowledge, power and money to play the game your way.

  2. black, white, yellow, brown don't matter its all about the Federal Reserve Notes.

  3. You got some good observations about the race problems in the U.S and Korea/Taiwan. Still, it seems that you go out of your way to find negative nature/traits of everybody except for black folks.

  4. I talk about Black people all the time just not on this forum. Besides there are a shitload of forums where you can discuss the inferiority of Black people if that is what you desire. But if you want to know my feelings about Black America I'd be more than happy to post them for you.

  5. "Besides there are a shitload of forums where you can discuss the inferiority of Black people if that is what you desire." Black people are not inferior to anyone. I was just making a comment about of this blog.

  6. that's cool i'll talk about race and Black people after my post on korea or taiwan.

  7. It's good to point this out, but don't get defeatist. American society (or any society, Korean society, wherever) will never be able to completely eradicate racism and bigotry. It will happen. But will you let your anger about it define you? Confine you?
